Only accepted and presented papers will appear in the proceedings if they have been uploaded before the deadlines. The conference proceedings will be published as IMCL2017 Proceedings in the Springer series "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing". The books of this series are submitted to Clarivate Analytics for indexing in Web of Science and CPCI (formerly Thomson-Reuters WoS and CPCI). Clarivate Anatlytics and CPCI evaluate the publications and select which ones they will index.
The copyrights of the papers are transferred to Springer.
Authors are expected to attend the conference in person to present their papers and share their ideas. If a paper is included in the proceedings distributed on site and is later identified as a non-presented paper, it will not be sent to and published by Springer. However, you are free to submit it to another conference or journal.
07 Jul 2017 | Submission of: (i) structured 2-page abstracts (for full papers, short papers, WiP, and posters) for the main conference and for ICBL2017 (ii) Special Session proposals |
21 Jul 2017 | Notification of acceptance for abstracts for the main conference and ICBL2017. Special Sessions notification and announcement |
17 Sep 2017 | Submission of complete papers for special sessions and the main conference and ICBL2017: Full Papers, Short Papers, WiP, Posters, Doctoral Consortium, Students' Competition |
06 Oct 2017 | Notification of acceptance |
27 Oct 2017 | Author registration deadline |
27 Oct 2017 | Camera-ready due |
30 Nov 2017 | Conference Opening |